Monday, March 07, 2011
Tomorrow the birds will sing

By Edward Copeland
Sound features were firmly established by 1931, but the silent superstar Charlie Chaplin wouldn't join the chattering crowd that easily and 80 years ago today he released to the entire U.S. after N.Y. and L.A. premieres not only another silent film starring Chaplin as the Little Tramp but one of the greatest films Chaplin had yet produced, City Lights.
City Lights was followed five years later by his other post-sound era silent Modern Times, though like Times, Lights wasn't purely silent, incorporating sound effects, incomprehensible dialogue and a score by Chaplin. Both are masterpieces and classics, though I slightly prefer Modern Times for its ability to better balance its comedy with its pathos and social commentary. For the most part, City Lights keeps its farcical and touching moments segregated from one another, but it ultimately works with one of the most touching endings in the history of film, accomplished with a simple closeup.

Before we get there, let's get back to the beginning of City Lights, where the officials of its unnamed city are set to dedicate a "monument to peace and prosperity." Of course, once the tarp rises who should be lying in the arms of the main statue but the Little Tramp himself. The officials demand he get down, shouting in nonsensical "dialogue" that seems to foreshadow the way adults would speak in those animated Peanuts TV specials decades later. Getting the tramp off the new installment proves easier said than done as at first his pants get speared by the sword of another statue on the monument, then when everyone stops to salute during the National Anthem (which is heard) and, finally, he ends up facing the hand of the monument's third statue, where it appears as if he's thumbing his nose at the crowd and perhaps Chaplin is, since there isn't much peace or prosperity in the Little Tramp's life.

Once he's disengaged himself from the monument and returned to traversing the streets, he continues the gag-oriented nature of the film, being taunted by boys selling newspapers on corners, finding himself fascinated by a nude statue in a store window, oblivious to the opening and closing sidewalk platform behind him which he keeps barely missing as he steps forward and back, and, finally, meeting her. She is the unnamed flower girl. In fact, aside from one of the boxers in a scene that comes later, no character in the movie has first or last names. In the credits, she's listed only as a blind girl (Virginia Cherrill), and when the tramp first encounters her, he doesn't immediately realize she lacks sight. He finds her sitting on a stoop and she offers to sell him a flower and he offers to take one, but she drops it and he picks it up. She gropes the ground for it

While I was gathering art for this post, City Lights may have turned out to be the film that had the most screenshots on the Web that I wanted to grab with the intention of using, but that makes sense. When watching the best silent movies, not just by Chaplin, more so than with their sound counterparts, it's nearly all imagery that captures your attention. The story certainly plays a major role in those pre-talkie classics and shape their worth as well, but it's the pictures on the screen that draw your attention. It almost makes it absurd to attempt to write about a brilliant silent such as City Lights; I almost want to just post various photos from the film and let the shots speak for themselves. I could probably waste all my free Blogger art space on City Lights photos alone, but I had no luck finding shots for some of the scenes I wanted such as late in the film when burglars are hiding as the tramp and the eccentric millionaire (Harry Myers) arrive back at the rich man's mansion. That reminds me. We haven't discussed that millionaire, since he is the film's third most important character after all.

That night, the tramp, wandering aimlessly under the intoxicating infatuation that his encounter with the blind girl cast upon him, meanders down the steps toward the river, still smelling the flower he bought from her. He doesn't seem to notice at first the other man there — a man whose intoxication is very real, as real as his intention to end his life. The tramp finally notices that the man has tied one end of a rope around his neck and the other end to a large rock with the intention of drowning himself. The tramp steps in to try to stop him and through a series of mishaps at various times, both end up in the water alone or together, once even with the tramp somehow getting the rope around his neck. Finally, soaked, they both are on dry land again and the rich man declares the tramp his friend for life and decides to take him home with him to dry him out (at least clotheswise), though they do encounter a suspicious policeman as they make their way clear of the river. You would think that perhaps Chaplin would wring some pathos out of the suicide attempt, but the entire sequence plays for pure farce as well, especially since, for the purpose of City Lights, the millionaire basically functions as a plot device to allow the main thread to stay in motion and to provide a great deal of the comedy and road blocks for the tramp's quest to help the blind girl.

Once the two new best friends arrive at the rich man's mansion, despite the suspicious looks from the millionaire's butler (Allan Garcia), the millionaire learns that his wife has left him for good, prompting him to return momentarily to his suicidal state, wielding a gun, but the tramp stops him again and the man once again is grateful and forces the tramp to join him in more drinking. He is so sloshed at this point, he doesn't seem to notice that while he pours them drinks, he's also pouring the bottle's contents down the tramp's pants. After replacing the tramp's ratty clothes with nice duds, the millionaire decides that the best way to forget your troubles is to hit the town, so the two drunks head out again to a restaurant to eat, drink and be

The next morning, as the tramp awakes on the steps of the mansion, he spies the blind girl selling her flowers on the corner. He worms his way back into the mansion past the butler. He doesn't have to venture far into the estate until he finds the millionaire, still lingering between the worlds of the drunken and the hungover. He asks the wealthy man if he can borrow some money to buy a flower and the millionaire, without giving it a thought, passes $10 to the tramp who, overjoyed with the good fortune, rushes to the corner and buys all the flowers that the blind girl is selling. She tells him that she doesn't have that much change, but the tramp tells her not to worry and she tells him she might as well journey home now since her day's flower supply is exhausted. The tramp tells her to hold on and he returns to the mansion, leaving the huge flower supply, and asking the millionaire if he may borrow his car. The rich man,

Back on his own again, the Little Tramp decides to check on the blind girl, but he fails to find her in any of her usual spots, so he decides to check out her apartment. He scales the steps and a barrel so he can peer in the window to her dwelling where he sees a doctor and her grandmother hovering over her. The doctor says the girl has a fever. A large man who lives in the dwelling below the girl and her grandmother comes out and spots the tramp, obviously assuming he's a peeping tom. Quick to get away, the tramp scrambles away, kicking over the barrel, flooding the patio and soaking the man. As the tramp continues to wander the streets, lost in his thoughts, he happens to be spotted by the millionaire, who once again is blotto and remembers their special bond and insists he go back with him to his house for a party. The festivities are a wild one and the tramp

One thing that always makes the Little Tramp such an endearing character to movie audiences is that the tramp, a homeless man, usually broke and jobless, always puts others' interests before his own. Within the ragged clothing and empty stomach, an empathetic heart constantly beats for those in need, even if helping them comes at a high cost. Rationally, it makes no logical sense how this Little Tramp has survived on the streets so long and looks no worse than he does, but then that's the magic Chaplin imbued this character with most of the time. So, with his friend the millionaire overseas, he's determined to keep up the charade that he's wealthy for the blind girl and do what he can to help her. So the

Desperate for cash, the tramp happens by a boxing club. A fighter (Eddie McAuliffe) makes a proposal: If the tramp will fight him and take a dive, they'll split the purse. The tramp thinks his dream has come true, as long as the boxer promises he won't really hurt him and he promises. Unfortunately, a man rushes in with a telegram for the boxer (where he receives the only name of any character in the movie) telling Eddie Mason

Unable to avoid the match and still desperate for the funds to save the apartment for the girl and her grandmother, the tramp enters the ring. His initial strategy hinges on avoiding the other boxer as much as possible, trying to use the referee (Eddie Baker) as a human shield. Sadly, the ref

Here is the one moment, in terms of the passage of time, that just doesn't make sense to me in City Lights. Once the tramp has recuperated enough from his fight enough to hit the streets again that very same night, he runs into the millionaire, suitably drunk, and eager to take him back to his mansion. The film gives no sense of how much time has expired but it doesn't quite add up. No. 1: How short was that European trip that rich man went on? No. 2: How long did the tramp work as a street sweeper? We see that he got a job but his boss fires him almost immediately because he is "late again." No. 3: The girl and her grandmother are to be evicted the next day. If we assume that he got fired and fought the night before the threatened eviction, how long had the millionaire been gone and how long had the tramp worked as a street sweeper? Had he not saved anything yet to give to the girl? I know. It's silly of me to start playing with logic, but the timing just doesn't seem to add up to me. Even with my questions about how all these events can occur in a timeline that makes sense, it doesn't detract from City Lights' status as one of Chaplin's masterpieces and a classic in the history of film.

Before the tramp and the millionaire arrive at the mansion, two burglars (Albert Austin, Joe Van Meter) busy themselves trying to find goodies in the rich man's home. When they hear arrivals coming (let's face it, it may be a silent movie, but you can tell the rich man is a noisy drunk), the crooks hide. As the tramp and the millionaire relax on the couch, the rich man starts to get melancholy again, but the tramp talks him out of it. The burglars keep watching, waiting for the chance to make their move, one of them armed with a blackjack. The tramp happens to feel under the couch and discovers the gun that the rich man had tried to off himself with once before. He places it on the table behind them and begins to tell the rich man about the blind girl. The millionaire tells him not to worry and asks him if $1,000

Furiously on the run, convinced that no one will ever believe the truth, the Little Tramp heads straight for the blind girl's apartment. He hands her a bunch of the cash and says it's for the rent. He thinks some more and gives her the rest of the $1,000 and tells her to get that operation. He also tells her that he's going away for awhile. Soon after, he's on the street and a detective recognizes him and he willingly goes with him to jail. The calendar flips as the months pass and we're told it's autumn as the Little Tramp gains his freedom once again. He's taunted by the newsboys once again. As he walks the streets, he notices a flower shop and a woman who works there points out to the blind girl that she seems to have an admirer as the Little Tramp gazes at her through the window. She laughs at him, but notices that he dropped the flower he wore on his coat and it sort of crumbled.

The girl comes out of the shop to try to give the tramp a new flower and some change, but he tries to sneak away but she calls after him and chases him a little. He stops and she gives him the fresh flower. As she takes his hand to put some change in it, she can tell by the feel who it is. It's one of the most touching, magical moments in cinema history. "It's you?" she says uncertainly and he nods shyly.

"You can see," he asks her and she tells him yes, still in shock that her mysterious benefactor, the man responsible for changing her life so much for the better wasn't what she imagined: a dreamy rich man who would return someday to sweep her off her feet, but a street person even more down-on-his-luck than she was. It's so touching, it's breathtaking. Then Chaplin the director, utilizing Chaplin the actor, gives City Lights a final image that really explains why the closeup was invented in the first place.

Labels: 30s, Chaplin, Movie Tributes, Silents